Willy is a Venezuelan Lawyer, Investor,
Entrepreneur and Restauranteur for +25 years.
Willy Del Nogal is a Venezuelan entrepreneur with a degree in law. He is recognized in the entertainment and restaurant world for founding avant–garde concepts in Caracas like The Lawyers, Weds, Hollywood Dance Bar, Mondo Café, Barsi, Yamato Sushi Bar and many more.
Throughout his career he owned a total of 30 establishments with varying concepts: restaurants, bar/lounge, nightclubs, catering, fast food chain, among others. His expertise and popularity in show business and gastronomy make Willy Del Nogal a great advisor for entrepreneurs in these fields.
Macanao Lodge: Un paraíso de sueños en Los Roques, Venezuela
En el corazón del Archipiélago de Los Roques, donde el mar Caribe se fusiona con el cielo azul, se encuentra el Macanao Lodge, un oasis de lujo y confort que te invita a vivir una experiencia inolvidable. Además de ser el lugar más exclusivo de los Roques, Macanao Lodge es una experiencia, un refugio de ensueño, donde cada detalle está cuidadosamente diseñado para ofrecer a sus huéspedes una estancia inigualable.En medio de una colección de islas de cristalinas aguas, bancos de arena blanca y arrecifes coralinos en el Mar Caribe se erige un lugar exclusivo que es el epicentro del relax y la aventura.
Conoce la movida gastronómica de fin de año en Venezuela
Angela Oraa y Willy Del Nogal
en Kiara y Rafa
Angela Oraa y Willy Del Nogal conversaron con Kiara y Rafa sobre lo que está sucediendo en la alta sociedad.
New York Nights — Willy Del Nogal
New York Nights es un Podcast producido y dirigido por Heros TV conducido por Carlos Almenar, donde se exploran las historias, anécdotas, música y cultura relacionadas con la vida nocturna caraqueña de los 80's y 90's.
Willy Del Nogal es un empresario venezolano, licenciado en derecho, reconocido en el mundo del entretenimiento y la gastronomía por fundar conceptos vanguardistas en Caracas como The Lawyers, Weds, Hollywood Dance Bar, Mondo Café, Barsi, Yamato Sushi Bar y muchos más.
A lo largo de su carrera fue propietario de un total de 30 establecimientos con conceptos muy variados: restaurantes, bares/lounge, discotecas, catering, cadenas de comida rápida, entre otros. Su experiencia y popularidad en el mundo del espectáculo y la gastronomía hacen de Willy Del Nogal un gran asesor para emprendedores en estos rubros.
Willy Del Nogal: Foodie
Ricardo Chaneton contará
a Willy Del Nogal todo sobre
su nueva estrella Michelin
El Estímulo: Este sábado 29 de enero, el chef venezolano Ricardo Chaneton conversará en vivo con Willy Del Nogal, con larga trayectoria en restaurantes, sobre lo que significa la primera estrella Michelin que acaba de alcanzar. El encuentro será un IG Live, a las 11 am hora de Caracas, por la cuenta de Instagram de @willydelnogalm
Orgullo Venezolano en Hong Kong
El Universal: Que orgullo para su familia y todo el país. Ricardo estuvo ayer en un “Instagram Live” con el buen amigo y gran conocedor culinario Willy del Nogal, donde sostuvieron una conversación interesantísima y muy agradable. Felicitaciones.
Ricardo Chaneton contará
todo sobre su estrella Michelin
Miami Diario: Este sábado 29 de enero, el chef venezolano Ricardo Chaneton conversará en vivo con Willy Del Nogal, con larga trayectoria en restaurantes, sobre lo que significa la primera estrella Michelin que acaba de alcanzar. El encuentro será un IG Live, a las 11 am hora de Caracas, por la cuenta de Instagram de @willydelnogalm
Willy Del Nogal y Su Cata De Podcast — Somos Expansión Ep. 2
Willy del Nogal se llega a las mesas de "Somos Expansión", listo para tener una rica conversa en contenido. Demostrando lo que un buen Podcast es capaz de hacer, con su trayecto profesional.
Live Interview with
Franquicias En Venezuela
“En fin, Willy es un venezolano curioso, restaurateur, foodie, sibarita comunicador, un self made man que ha sabido detectar oportunidades y nichos desasistidos, rodeándose de profesionales calificados y aprovechando su gran capital relacional.”
Cual es la Tendencia? Gastronomicamente Hablando…
con Willy Del Nogal
Disfrutamos esta agradable entrevista con Willy Del Nogal. Hablamos de su larga trayectoria y años corridos como pionero en proyectos exitosos. Hablamos sobre la tendencia que llevará en el futuro, gastronómicamente hablando el mercado de los restaurantes en el mundo y cuáles son las herramientas que pueden o deben utilizar los emprendedores en cualquier negocio de cocina. Conversamos sobre el futuro y la próxima Ruta Gastronómica de Miami y Orlando Times News en Florida. Desde OTN te damos las gracias Willy y esperamos contar con tu valiosa ayuda en el crecimiento gastronómico y de entretenimiento en la nueva vida activa Digital.
Willy’s Burgers
This fast-food chain concept is inspired by the classic diner menu from the 50s featuring the iconic cheeseburger, french fries, milkshakes, soft-serve ice cream, hot dogs and sodas–a simple selection that everyone likes. There are 3 stores open and delivery is also available.
Rocoto Cocina Peruana
In collaboration with chef Isabel Alva, William founded a refined concept that adapts to the competitive restaurant market in Caracas. This establishment has a sophisticated and varied menu that includes the highly-demanded ceviche selection, shrimp cause, chupes, tiraditos; without forgetting the entire menu of sushi and fusions that complement a repertoire that captures all tastes.
La Suite
Influenced by French Rococo atmosphere and décor, this lounge became a popular venue for 80s music. Oscar Hernández was the lead DJ and his musical taste was highly distinguished for European soundtracks which caused excitement among the crowd.
Atar Creaciones Culinarias
With the help of great business partners, William founded a creative and gourmet catering boutique that is designed to deliver sublime experiences around gastronomy with exquisite culinary creations. This concept specializes in catering intimate gatherings starting from 10 guests up to 100 guests to achieve a carefully curated dining experience that will delight the most diverse and demanding palates.
Willy Del Nogal
El Ex Zar De La Noche
“Despite the fact that Willy dedicated ten years of his existence to nightlife, this 32–year–old businessman considers to have enjoyed this time enough and feels he has completely overcome that stage, although he clarified he’s always had a passion for having fun–a feeling he projected on his work as DJ at The Lawyers, Hollywood, Weds and Galería.
At the moment, he is a businessman dedicated to restaurants and cafes, making food his way of life. To date, he has opened twelve restaurants, including the Japanese food chain Yamato Sushi Bar, the renowned BarSi for Thai food, the new Noa for Chinese cuisine and Fit, a cafe for people who are on the light note.
In addition, at the of last year in Miami, he opened a French restaurant with a Latin touch called Zur. But not everything in his life is work. Willy really enjoys the little time he has free playing tennis and sharing with his five–year–old daughter, his great pride, and his wife who gives him all the support. "When I am with my family I try to ensure quality time."
This was William’s big dream since it combined his passion and fascination for Asian culture and cuisine. After almost a year under construction, this exquisite restaurant finally opened and it elegantly blended Thai, Vietnamese and Japanese cooking. Many great chefs served at this establishment like Tomás Fernández, Melvin Ramírez and most importantly Julio Ikeda, an iconic Peruvian–Japanese chef that introduced Nikkei cuisine to Venezuela.
Yamato Sushi Bar
Along his business partner, Aquiles Casado, William launches the first sushi bar with revolving floating boats, making this novel concept an instant success.
At the time, this establishment was considered to be the first well-known Japanese restaurant and due to its popularity they expanded the concept across Venezuela with 17 stores and took it internationally with stores in Madrid and Panama.
Galería Restaurante
William’s presence in the restaurant scene formally took place once this establishment opened. Everything was carefully curated, from the interior décor by Jean Gornet to the exquisite menu by Helena Ibarra–a Venezuelan chef that was trained in France, where she cooked under the guidance of Joël Robuchon and Gerard Vié. Not long after the inauguration, this restaurant soon became one of the most frequented spots in Caracas.
La Cantina Bar
This bar was the stage for many iconic Latin musicians. Every Wednesday, Guaco would perform the latest Salsa and Merengue hits; other artists like Gilberto Santa Rosa and Luis Enrique also performed live.
Another successful component of this establishment was the partnership with Aguardiente Cristal, a Colombian liquor brand, to launch in Venezuela.
Mondo Café
This restaurant started as a comfort food concept and soon became a popular hot spot for coffee, salad, pizza, and dessert. More than 1,200 people would stop by on a daily basis.
Hollywood Tras Bastidores
“Every night lights are seen, the kind that are used in the Oscar ceremony, crossing the sky in Caracas. It is something similar to the Batman signal, only instead of indicating that Gotham City is being subdued by the Joker, the Penguin, and who knows which other villain, warns that the night begins and Hollywood is already open. Hollywood is one of the greatest entertainment venues in our city. It is an American food restaurant where you can dance, listen to music and have the best time. Bernardo Bermúdez, Benigno Armas and Willy Del Nogal are the creators of this novel concept that has taken over Madrid de las Mercedes street and has become synonymous with fame and the good life...”
Hollywood Dance Bar
At 22 years old, William founded his first restaurant which combined his passion for food and music. It was a Tex-Mex establishment that turned into a party at 11:30PM when the best DJ’s in Caracas starting playing 90’s music. This was a revolutionary concept for the time that many remember fondly.
Willy Producciones
At 20 years old, William launches a company called Willy Producciones with the purpose of hiring national and international artists. Among his many successful event productions were the appearances of internationally recognized artists like Willie Colón (American musician), Juan Luis Guerra (Dominican musician), Rocío Dúrcal (Spanish singer), and many more at the iconic beach hotel Laguna Mar in Margarita.
Weds Nightclub
William opened his first nightclub along with Benigno Armas, who would later become his business partner for more than 25 years. The duo turned Wed’s into the biggest venue in Caracas with a capacity to fit 4,000 people and set the highest record for beer sales at this establishment.
Gaitas y Pupitres
William founded this intercollegiate event where he brought together the best schools in Caracas to compete in a Venezuelan folklore performance for a chance to win a grand prize.
The Lawyers
At 15 years old, William started working as a DJ in the mobile disco The Lawyers. And, in 1983 he became the owner of this widely popular concept–known as one of the most iconic dance club concepts in the 80s.
He toured the country with the emerging Venezuelan singer Karina, and alongside Carlos Tespio from Sono–Rodven Label, they launched the artist’s first music video on TV making Karina’s CD the most successful in the country at the time with over 500,000 copies sold.